Musicians’ Association of Victoria & the Islands, Local 247 CFM

Online Referral Service • Services for Professional Musicians

Local 247 Membership and Work Dues Payments

Membership, work dues, and other payments can be paid by cash, cheque, e-transfer or credit card (using PayPal).

Membership Dues

Dues include AFM fees and Local 247 fees.
Annual dues $170
• If paid quarterly, dues are $47.50 per quarter
EARLYBIRD Annual dues - $160 for early annual payment BEFORE January 1
   (or four $40 post-dated cheques dated Dec 31/Apr 1/Jul 1/Oct 1)
REINSTATEMENT FEE - $20.00 - If a Member reinstates their membership
   after having been resigned for more than a quarter-year, a Reinstatement Fee
   applies and is added to the Membership Dues
Life Members $90 (annual pay only)
   NOTE: Life Members are Members who are 65 years of age and older
   AND who have been an AFM member for 35 years or more.
   Check with the office first if you think you are eligible.
Casual Work Dues Buyout
   Annual cost is $60.

Online Payment Methods

1. e-transfer

The e-transfer service from your bank/credit union is the least expensive on-line payment system.  You pay only whatever your bank's fee is for the transaction, no PayPal fee.  We also have set up our payment email address with our bank, so the deposits go directly to us with no security questions needed.
Send all payments via etransfer to Local 247 using the address:

2. PayPal

This secure online payment service is provided by PayPal. You can pay with your existing PayPal account or log in as a guest using your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex).
The payment amounts below include 3 1/2% added to the payment to cover PayPal fees.
To pay by PayPal, choose the appropriate button below.

PayPal - Quarterly Membership Payment $49.16 (includes PayPal fee)

EARLYBIRD Annual Membership Payment $165.60 for the upcoming calendar year.
Valid Only Until Dec 31
(includes PayPal fee)

PayPal - Annual Membership Payment after Dec 31 $175.95 (includes PayPal fee)

PayPal - Life Member Dues $93.15 (includes PayPal fee)

PayPal - Other Membership Payments such as reinstatement
(call the office FIRST to confirm the amount due)

PayPal - Work Dues Payments

A. Casual Work Dues Buyout $62.10 (Includes PayPal fee))

B. Remit work dues to the Local. You can fill in the appropriate amount.

All material on this website ©2003 – 2024 by Island Musicians Association, Local 247 Canadian Federation of Musicians.
Please contact us for permission to use the material on this website in any form.